This project included repairing and renovating an historic bridge. This project was unique in the sense of the remote location of the project. This provided many logistical issues that we had to negotiate to even access the project site. We closely coordinated with the transport companies making deliveries to the site as well as structural inspections of numerous small water crossings. Eventually the route that was chosen required improvements to intersecting roads and the reinforcing of an additional water crossing.
The other challenging aspect of the project was the amount of unexploded ordinances (upwards of 50-60 rounds located in a ½ acre site) that were encountered during the excavation of the site. There was a team of UXO locating personal on site during all of the excavating activities.
The existing historical pony trusses were removed in the winter during freezing in order to get the trusses restored prior to the erection of the new bridge deck. Upon return in more favorable weather, the new footings, head walls, pre-cast bridge deck, and the reinstallation of the reconditioned historical trusses were completed
This project consisted of the relocation and alignment of the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Gate 1B with AMC Boulevard. The project included replacing and realigning the fence, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, lighting, storm drainage, landscaping and all associated utilities. We relocated and renovated the historic Gatehouses 81 and 82, constructed a new guardhouse and repaved and realigned the adjacent parking lots. It also included demolition of Buildings 34 and 58. We upgraded 1500 LF of 6 ft. chain link security fence to ornamental fence, 135 LF of double slide gate to aluminum ornamental gate and 485 LF of 8 ft. chain link security fence to ornamental fence. We received an Outstanding performance rating on this project.
The scope of work on this project included design and construction of Infrastructure Facility upgrades to allow for construction of the Human Performance Wing Complex. This project included a significant realignment of the entry point to meet new security requirements. The new entry point includes ID checkpoints, visitor search areas, and an Access Control Point Control System (ACPCS).
Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, Natural Gas, Domestic Water, Steam, Electric and Communications Systems all received major upgrades. This project involved the installation of 3,800 LF of steamline, 8” and larger that connected to existing laterals. We replaced 12” sewer pipe with 15” pipe using the bursting method. This process involved bypass pumping and connections to existing sanitary systems. The project also involved the shutdown of domestic water and fire systems. Construction of the new Gate 19B involved extensive earth fill construction along with right of way and signalization modifications to National Road. Demolition of existing structures was also necessary. DCID 6/9 was utilized throughout the project.
Since the project was Design/Build, Butt Construction met the requirements of the Anti-Terrorism and Force Protection Standards while completing the final gate design.Significant roadway widening and reconstruction made up a major portion of the contract.This project involved multi-engineering disciplines including mechanical, structural, civil and electrical work. We received an Outstanding Performance Evaluationfor this project